Combat As Character

Captain America: The Winter Soldier is probably the best movie made under the umbrella of the MCU; only Black Panther can really compete for that title. One of the reasons why is that the Russo Brothers know to their bones how to direct action to convey character. The Russos are not flashy stylist directors. Their […]
30 Seconds of Wick: On Va Voir (11:11-12:25)

Hey. Sorry to be away so long. It’s been an astonishingly bad year for me personally, in the midst of a bad year for the planet in general. I’ll probably post about it soonish — it’s a story that needs to be told — but all the matters right now is I’m back, the blog […]
Interlude: 30 Seconds Without Fear (Daredevil Season 3, Episode 6 “The Devil You Know”)

Streamed on Netflix Canada 41:00-47:05 Before I move on to my next long form break down (Atomic Blonde #30AtomicSeconds) I wanted to pop in a slightly longer post about one of the best fight scenes in superhero media, from Season 3 of the Netflix Daredevil series. All my blog posts will carry the hashtag #30SecondsOfWick […]
The MCU: Resembling the Real World

(I swear, my next post will not be about comic books. Maybe.) “Those arguing that BLACK PANTHER is the first MCU movie to A) be about something and B) take place in something resembling the real world are enabling cultural amnesia…” So, the above tweet thread popped into my time line the other day (I […]
Mockingbird and Hawkeye, Part 1

Mockingbird and Hawkeye: A love letter to love Super heros hate marriage. Or at least the men who run the major superhero comics hate it. Joe Quesada famously obliterated Spiderman’s charming, logically consistent marriage to Mary-Jane (though the current “Renew Your Vows” series may correct that mistake). DC lost the award winning Batwoman creative team […]