30 Second of Wick Chapter 17: The Best Fight Begins (57:55-58:25)

We’ve finally caught up to the best fight in this movie. Yes, I’ll say it again: as good as Red Circle is, Perkins vs Wick is the best fight of the movie and possibly the best fight in the three movies so far. I covered the second segment of this fight (58:25-58:55) back in my […]
30 Seconds of Wick Chapter 16: Annnnnndddd…scene (54:30-55:00)

I have to say I still find it a bit strange just how well the Wick fights scene fall into thirty second chunks, which is especially true about the fight AFTER this one. That being said, we end the action here at Red Circle neatly at the 55:00 mark with John staggering out of the […]
30 Seconds of Wick Chapter 13: He’s Wearing Body Armor, He’s Not A Moron (53:30-54:00)

Sorry about the delay on new posts, crippling depression tends to cut my productivity. Anyhow, 53:30 opens as John Wick takes two bullets to the torso from Kirill and a goon and of course he’s wearing body armor. One thing about the Wick franchise that’s been very refreshing is its tendency to respect the physics […]
Choices, the damage there caused

I lie awake at night and feel guilty about my pain. I know a number of people who suffer chronic, debilitating illness. Who live every day as an exercise in pain management, in negotiating with the world to get simple tasks done. I’m not one of them. I’m in chronic pain…and I did it to […]