30 Seconds of Wick Chapter 19: John Wick Must Die (58:40-59:25)

Hey folks. Since my first choice dropped John Wick I’ve moved onto another streaming service for the movie, which is a fifteen seconds behind on the time codes. I’ve flipped to their timing as of now, at some point I’ll likely edit all of this to the DVD time codes. Maybe. Also, this is the […]
Mockingbird and Hawkeye, Part 1

Mockingbird and Hawkeye: A love letter to love Super heros hate marriage. Or at least the men who run the major superhero comics hate it. Joe Quesada famously obliterated Spiderman’s charming, logically consistent marriage to Mary-Jane (though the current “Renew Your Vows” series may correct that mistake). DC lost the award winning Batwoman creative team […]