30 Seconds of Wick Chapter 19: John Wick Must Die (58:40-59:25)

Hey folks. Since my first choice dropped John Wick I’ve moved onto another streaming service for the movie, which is a fifteen seconds behind on the time codes. I’ve flipped to their timing as of now, at some point I’ll likely edit all of this to the DVD time codes. Maybe. Also, this is the […]
30 Seconds of Wick Chapter 18 (Repost of Chapter 1) Perkins Takes A Bite (58:25-58:55)

Perkins Vs John Wick (58:25-58:55) This was my inaugural post because of a coincidence. I was asked twice in one month by random people if I knew why Perkins uses her teeth hold her jacket during this fight. It’s a moment that watching it I thought “Maybe five percent of the people watching this are […]
30 Second of Wick Chapter 17: The Best Fight Begins (57:55-58:25)

We’ve finally caught up to the best fight in this movie. Yes, I’ll say it again: as good as Red Circle is, Perkins vs Wick is the best fight of the movie and possibly the best fight in the three movies so far. I covered the second segment of this fight (58:25-58:55) back in my […]